Digital minimalism
Free yourself from the pull of your smartphone and start moving towards your goals!
online marathon
daily start
The marathon is designed by Erica Carroll, author of Digital Minimalism, and Harry Simpson, author of books on Jedi techniques.
Марафон разработан  Анастасией Рыжиной, автором книги «Digital минимализм», и Максимом Дорофеевым, автором книг по джедайским техникам.
This marathon is for you if you're...
  • In any incomprehensible situations, you "get stuck" in your smartphone and escape from reality that way
  • Can't find time and energy for hobbies and interesting activities, and things at work suffer due to smartphone distractions
  • Engaged in collecting books, articles, and movies, but you don't magically consume that content
  • Instead of real relaxation, you're flipping through your social media feed and still feeling bored or negative emotions
Use your smartphone for good and pleasure. In our marathon, these values are more important than any prohibitions and restrictions!
Erica Carroll, author of Digital Minimalism
Who's running the marathon?
Author of the book "Digital Minimalism", Eksmo publishing house
    "I started doing digital minimalism in Russia even before it became mainstream.

    Four years ago, I started studying this topic, but there were no books in Russian. Then I came up with my own method of getting rid of unnecessary things and started holding courses on clearing out virtual space. And this year, my book on digital minimalism was published.

    By the way, it wasn't easy at all: I received eight rejections before the book was printed by one of the largest non-fiction publishers in Russia.

    It was the principles of digital minimalism that helped me to stay strong and not give up in the face of difficulties."
      Author of the bestselling books Jedi Techniques and The Way of the Jedi.
        • 10 years of managerial work in Kaspersky Lab's IT Department

        • Speaker of the largest digital conferences in Russia and Ukraine

        • Leads trainings and advises companies on how to improve productivity and reliability with 2012.

        • He has been interested in psychology and mathematical statistics all his conscious life.
        Author of the bestselling books Jedi Techniques and The Way of the Jedi.
          • 10 years of managerial work in the IT department

          • Speaker of the largest digital conferences

          • Leads trainings and consults with companies on how to improve productivity and reliability with 2012. Regular clients include such high-tech companies as.

          • He has been interested in psychology and mathematical statistics all his conscious life.
          Marathon program
          Module #1
          Модуль №1
          Cutting away the unnecessary
          Lesson Titles:

          - What is digital minimalism?
          - Mastering the principle of "How do I use this?";
          - Social media: revisit and cleanse;
          - Slow reading: slow reading.

          Module Outcomes:

          - Clean your smartphone and home screen of unnecessary apps;
          - Unsubscribe from useless content on social media;
          - You begin to build the skill of thoughtfully exploring useful content on social media.
          Module No. 2
          Модуль №2
          Moving towards your goals
          Lesson titles:

          - Dreams and information noise;
          - Inspiring and toxic environments;
          - Visual noise. Alerts that are distracting;
          - When your smartphone "itches";
          - What's in the browser? Tabs that are distracting.

          Module results:

          - Know your immediate goals and realize them;
          - Get motivated on social media to do the real thing;
          - Experience less stress by unsubscribing from toxic content and turning off unnecessary notifications;
          - Keeping the inside of your browser clean.
          Module #3
          Модуль №3
          Lesson titles:

          - Never. Sorting out the "for later" supplies;
          - Hobby time;
          - Quality resources and their utilization;
          - Wrapping up a marathon of digital minimalism.

          Module results:

          - Emptying out blockages and knowing how to prevent them in the future;
          - Know how to store important resources for work and hobbies.

          10-20 minutes a day

          Participate at your convenience
          30 days of access

          For an informed study
          18 marathon materials
          Results after completing the marathon:
          • Free up your time and energy to achieve your goals
            Learn to use gadgets rationally and for business: without strict prohibitions, but with benefit and pleasure
          • Improve your concentration and stop getting distracted by the little things
            Because you'll start handling alerts properly and stop stressing over the number of them
          • Leave only energizing content on social networks
            Turn your newsfeed into a helpful and inspiring environment that will keep you on target
          • Clean up your smartphone
            Make your gadget your friend instead of a time eater: start navigating your digital space with ease
          • Learn how to store and work with new information
            Stop mindlessly hoarding files, articles, books and movies. Instead, free up your time to explore truly interesting content.
          How much does it cost to participate?

          Choose your tariff


          19 $
          • 7 days of access to marathon materials
          • Practical exercises to reduce distractions
          • Access to the participants' private chat


          34 $
          • 14 days of access to marathon materials
          • Additional exercises for building healthy habits
          • Personal recommendations from experts
          • Access to the feedback chat with mentors


          59 $
          • 30 days of full access to all marathon materials
          • Individual coaching on reducing distractions
          • Checklists and guides on mindful smartphone use
          • Regular online sessions with experts
          • Lifetime access to marathon updates
          2 490 ₽
          доступ ко всем 3 модулям
          доступ к 18 урокам
          доступ к курсу на 90 дней
          ⭐ Feedback from marathon participants ⭐
          • I'm the kind of person who downloads 10 English learning apps and doesn't use a single one. Same goes for reading apps, food diaries, etc. And it was kinda pathetic to delete them..... 😅🤦.

            But in the marathon it was presented like a game format, the information is presented in increments, it was interesting to go through each day.

            Previously tried uncluttering, but tried to do it in one day and ended up getting bogged down.

            It's become more enjoyable to go on social media and I've noticed that I've started spending less time on the internet.

            Thank you 😌
          • I used to have a lot of open tabs hanging on my phone and computer that I don't read but am afraid to close. I did a digital cleanup once every six months, but the tabs would reappear.

            After the marathon, I spent less time on my phone, made empty desktops, deleted apps, learned how to properly work with tabs.

          • Spending excessive time on social media was making me depressed, it was my problem.

            Thanks to my participation in the marathon, I started to enjoy using social networks more and spend less time there, my sessions became more systematic. It is now obvious that social networks can be turned into a source of positive emotions.
          • My phone is cleaner. But I didn't sit on it any less. Rather, I have become more conscious of the information I consume.

            Brought out a useful paradise/hell technology for me.

          • The goal of passing the marathon was to unclutter the digital space.

            I deleted unused apps and organized them into folders. I also got one home screen. And cleaned out my instagram feed. The marathon, in my opinion, is aimed at digital detox and awareness in the digital space.

            Loved the hell-raiser exercise. Realizing that if you feel annoyed by something, don't put up with it, but work on improvements. I.e. more often than not we are annoyed by something and we adjust to it, but still continue to be annoyed instead of making changes. I now make changes immediately if I am annoyed by something more than once.

          • I wanted to finally get out of the state of puzzling over this issue and onto the path of creating digital minimalism in a way that suits me. To review what I have now, do a revision, remove what I can easily do, implement a few recommendations. The marathon was the impetus to start moving in that direction.

            What I've changed:

            - I look at my smartphone much less often.
            - I often mute calls and put my smartphone on a shelf when I'm at home or in the countryside "getting involved in real life", with complete peace of mind - I'll call you back later.
            - I changed my Instagram feed dramatically - now it's about joy and inspiration, wooden houses, flowers, photos of Russia's beauty, etc. And I read the profiles of those I'm subscribed to in my specialization and make notes, taking time out of my weekly schedule.
            - !!! I go to bed without my smartphone (it's on a shelf), and when I get up, I do my morning practices first and after about an hour I'll take a quick look at it.

            I would like to thank Maxim and Anastasia for their lively and structured presentation of the material - it was interesting to listen to them and I immediately wanted to act.